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38,901 to 38,910 of 38,995 Results
Adobe PDF - 71.2 KB - MD5: c38dcf79687e1d89aef0034d2b9ebd0b
Ficha técnica del estudio
Adobe PDF - 944.5 KB - MD5: 09f5d420c7d2a16e3533de97076660e6
Reporte de tablas del estudio
Adobe PDF - 448.0 KB - MD5: 3b67e7c842fdc83103c23d59d6f398b1
Cuestionario del estudio
Tabular Data - 674.1 KB - 251 Variables, 1203 Observations - UNF:6:V3ot6Afqh6Sgquj7dNq+/A==
Base de datos del estudio
Adobe PDF - 72.1 KB - MD5: 6a1122c4183e6c9831cac1f404687352
Ficha técnica del estudio
Adobe PDF - 1.3 MB - MD5: 32a03abc07294ee9bc99289b7c31efad
Reporte de tablas del estudio
Adobe PDF - 498.2 KB - MD5: 7f24d0180a838e80d7585f459cdee0c5
Tabular Data - 1.7 MB - 32 Variables, 13968 Observations - UNF:6:qfvv7L12kgtSuliLybzHbA==
Adobe PDF - 79.4 KB - MD5: 8378bda600d7c64add2a6a297fa92d33
Adobe PDF - 1.3 MB - MD5: 1c89e594faedf258d4c807d3fdddd24c
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